event burgee venue burgee


Fort Walton Yacht Club

as of 10 July 2016

Thistle Fleet

Sailed: 4, Discards: 0, To count: 4, Entries: 12, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Club Captain/Helm Sail D1R1 D1R2 D2R1 D2R2 Points
1 BSC Loy Vaughan 4007 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 5.0
2   David Reddaway 3883 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 9.0
3   Michael Reddaway 3001 2.0 2.0 4.0 3.0 11.0
4 BSC Nelson Sharp 4019 7.0 5.0 3.0 6.0 21.0
5 LLSC Bryan Anderson 3680 6.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 24.0
6 BSC Tate Beckham 3335 8.0 8.0 5.0 7.0 28.0
7   Alex Padgett 3674 4.0 4.0 13.0 DNC 13.0 DNC 34.0
8   Laura Graham 1995 9.0 7.0 6.0 13.0 RET 35.0
9 BSC Richard May 3820 5.0 13.0 DNC 10.0 8.0 36.0
10   Chris Jackson 3882 13.0 RET 13.0 DNC 7.0 5.0 38.0
11   Marian Evatt 3444 10.0 13.0 DNC 9.0 9.0 41.0
12 BSC Chris Scott 3589 13.0 DNC 13.0 DNC 11.0 13.0 RET 50.0

D1R1 - Thistle Fleet

Start: T, Finishes: Place
Rank Club Captain/Helm Sail Place Points
1 BSC Loy Vaughan 4007 1 1.0
2   Michael Reddaway 3001 2 2.0
3   David Reddaway 3883 3 3.0
4   Alex Padgett 3674 4 4.0
5 BSC Richard May 3820 5 5.0
6 LLSC Bryan Anderson 3680 6 6.0
7 BSC Nelson Sharp 4019 7 7.0
8 BSC Tate Beckham 3335 8 8.0
9   Laura Graham 1995 9 9.0
10   Marian Evatt 3444 10 10.0
11   Chris Jackson 3882 RET 13.0
11 BSC Chris Scott 3589 DNC 13.0

D1R2 - Thistle Fleet

Start: T, Finishes: Place
Rank Club Captain/Helm Sail Place Points
1 BSC Loy Vaughan 4007 1 1.0
2   Michael Reddaway 3001 2 2.0
3   David Reddaway 3883 3 3.0
4   Alex Padgett 3674 4 4.0
5 BSC Nelson Sharp 4019 5 5.0
6 LLSC Bryan Anderson 3680 6 6.0
7   Laura Graham 1995 7 7.0
8 BSC Tate Beckham 3335 8 8.0
9 BSC Richard May 3820 DNC 13.0
9   Chris Jackson 3882 DNC 13.0
9   Marian Evatt 3444 DNC 13.0
9 BSC Chris Scott 3589 DNC 13.0

D1R3 - Thistle Fleet

Rank Club Captain/Helm Sail Place Points
  BSC Loy Vaughan 4007    
    David Reddaway 3883    
    Michael Reddaway 3001    
  BSC Nelson Sharp 4019    
  LLSC Bryan Anderson 3680    
  BSC Tate Beckham 3335    
    Alex Padgett 3674    
    Laura Graham 1995    
  BSC Richard May 3820    
    Chris Jackson 3882    
    Marian Evatt 3444    
  BSC Chris Scott 3589    

D2R1 - Thistle Fleet

Start: T, Finishes: Place
Rank Club Captain/Helm Sail Place Points
1 BSC Loy Vaughan 4007 1 1.0
2   David Reddaway 3883 2 2.0
3 BSC Nelson Sharp 4019 3 3.0
4   Michael Reddaway 3001 4 4.0
5 BSC Tate Beckham 3335 5 5.0
6   Laura Graham 1995 6 6.0
7   Chris Jackson 3882 7 7.0
8 LLSC Bryan Anderson 3680 8 8.0
9   Marian Evatt 3444 9 9.0
10 BSC Richard May 3820 10 10.0
11 BSC Chris Scott 3589 11 11.0
12   Alex Padgett 3674 DNC 13.0

D2R2 - Thistle Fleet

Start: T, Finishes: Place
Rank Club Captain/Helm Sail Place Points
1   David Reddaway 3883 1 1.0
2 BSC Loy Vaughan 4007 2 2.0
3   Michael Reddaway 3001 3 3.0
4 LLSC Bryan Anderson 3680 4 4.0
5   Chris Jackson 3882 5 5.0
6 BSC Nelson Sharp 4019 6 6.0
7 BSC Tate Beckham 3335 7 7.0
8 BSC Richard May 3820 8 8.0
9   Marian Evatt 3444 9 9.0
10   Alex Padgett 3674 DNC 13.0
10   Laura Graham 1995 RET 13.0
10 BSC Chris Scott 3589 RET 13.0

Scoring codes used

CodeDescription Points
DNCDid not come to the starting area 13
RETRetired 13

Scorer: Lou Richard (FWYC)

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.9.7