10-11 July 2021

Fort Walton Yacht Club

as of 11 July 2021


Open Viper Fleet

Sailed: 2, Discards: 0, To count: 2, Entries: 9, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo R2 R3 Points
1 FYC Fairhope Yacht Club   81 2.0 1.0 3.0
2 Mobile MYC Juniors MYC 79 1.0 2.0 3.0
3 PYC PYC PYC 11 4.0 3.0 7.0
4 FWYC Darren Cooke Peer Presure 203 3.0 4.0 7.0
5 JYC Gary Rogers Venomous 129 5.0 7.0 12.0
6 BWYC Ella Lansford   98 6.0 6.0 12.0
7 PontYC Dylan Mcknight Blue 102 9.0 5.0 14.0
8 FWYC Michael Semenov Viper 205 205 7.0 9.0 16.0
9 FWYC David Dye FWYC 115 8.0 8.0 16.0

Race 1 Abandoned for Capdevielle and Open Viper Fleets and not resailed.

VX One Fleet

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 6, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo R1 R2 R3 Points
1 SYC Larry Frost Outlaw 211 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0
2 GYC Chris Alexander Counterproductive 276 2.0 3.0 2.0 7.0
3 PontYC Rob Doolittle The Spaniard 125 3.0 2.0 4.0 9.0
4 BucYC Paul Kleinschrodt Merica 196 4.0 4.0 3.0 11.0
5 BucYC Cesar Roca 201 201 6.0 5.0 5.0 16.0
6 FWYC John Cramer Thai Girl 105 5.0 6.0 6.0 17.0

Race 1 Abandoned for Capdevielle and Open Viper Fleets and not resailed.

Thistle Fleet

Sailed: 3, Discards: 0, To count: 3, Entries: 9, Scoring system: Appendix A
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo R1 R2 R3 Points
1 BSC Van Rogers Yellow snow 1801 1.0 1.0 2.0 4.0
2 FYC Michael Reddaway Skid mark 57 3.0 7.0 1.0 11.0
3 BSC Loy Vaughan   4007 2.0 6.0 3.0 11.0
4   Reid Collins Anna 3579 4.0 3.0 5.0 12.0
5   Daniel Postell Team Right on! 3674 5.0 2.0 6.0 13.0
6 FWYC George Hambleton Whataboat 3331 6.0 5.0 4.0 15.0
7   David Reddaway Blew Print 3975 7.0 4.0 10.0 DNC 21.0
8   Conner Killham   998 9.0 8.0 10.0 DNC 27.0
9   Tommy Glenn Conundrum 3892 8.0 9.0 10.0 DNC 27.0

Race 1 Abandoned for Capdevielle and Open Viper Fleets and not resailed.

R1 - Open Viper Fleet

July 10, 2021

Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
  FYC Fairhope Yacht Club   81    
  Mobile MYC Juniors MYC 79    
  PYC PYC PYC 11    
  FWYC Darren Cooke Peer Presure 203    
  JYC Gary Rogers Venomous 129    
  BWYC Ella Lansford   98    
  PontYC Dylan Mcknight Blue 102    
  FWYC Michael Semenov Viper 205 205    
  FWYC David Dye FWYC 115    

R2 - Open Viper Fleet

July 10, 2021

Start: V, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 Mobile MYC Juniors MYC 79 1 1.0
2 FYC Fairhope Yacht Club   81 2 2.0
3 FWYC Darren Cooke Peer Presure 203 3 3.0
4 PYC PYC PYC 11 4 4.0
5 JYC Gary Rogers Venomous 129 5 5.0
6 BWYC Ella Lansford   98 6 6.0
7 FWYC Michael Semenov Viper 205 205 7 7.0
8 FWYC David Dye FWYC 115 8 8.0
9 PontYC Dylan Mcknight Blue 102 9 9.0

R3 - Open Viper Fleet

July 11, 2021

Start: V, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 FYC Fairhope Yacht Club   81 1 1.0
2 Mobile MYC Juniors MYC 79 2 2.0
3 PYC PYC PYC 11 3 3.0
4 FWYC Darren Cooke Peer Presure 203 4 4.0
5 PontYC Dylan Mcknight Blue 102 5 5.0
6 BWYC Ella Lansford   98 6 6.0
7 JYC Gary Rogers Venomous 129 7 7.0
8 FWYC David Dye FWYC 115 8 8.0
9 FWYC Michael Semenov Viper 205 205 9 9.0

R1 - VX One Fleet

July 10, 2021

Start: VX, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 SYC Larry Frost Outlaw 211 1 1.0
2 GYC Chris Alexander Counterproductive 276 2 2.0
3 PontYC Rob Doolittle The Spaniard 125 3 3.0
4 BucYC Paul Kleinschrodt Merica 196 4 4.0
5 FWYC John Cramer Thai Girl 105 5 5.0
6 BucYC Cesar Roca 201 201 6 6.0

R2 - VX One Fleet

July 10, 2021

Start: VX, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 SYC Larry Frost Outlaw 211 1 1.0
2 PontYC Rob Doolittle The Spaniard 125 2 2.0
3 GYC Chris Alexander Counterproductive 276 3 3.0
4 BucYC Paul Kleinschrodt Merica 196 4 4.0
5 BucYC Cesar Roca 201 201 5 5.0
6 FWYC John Cramer Thai Girl 105 6 6.0

R3 - VX One Fleet

July 11, 2021

Start: VX, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 SYC Larry Frost Outlaw 211 1 1.0
2 GYC Chris Alexander Counterproductive 276 2 2.0
3 BucYC Paul Kleinschrodt Merica 196 3 3.0
4 PontYC Rob Doolittle The Spaniard 125 4 4.0
5 BucYC Cesar Roca 201 201 5 5.0
6 FWYC John Cramer Thai Girl 105 6 6.0

R1 - Thistle Fleet

July 10, 2021

Start: T, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 BSC Van Rogers Yellow snow 1801 1 1.0
2 BSC Loy Vaughan   4007 2 2.0
3 FYC Michael Reddaway Skid mark 57 3 3.0
4   Reid Collins Anna 3579 4 4.0
5   Daniel Postell Team Right on! 3674 5 5.0
6 FWYC George Hambleton Whataboat 3331 6 6.0
7   David Reddaway Blew Print 3975 7 7.0
8   Tommy Glenn Conundrum 3892 8 8.0
9   Conner Killham   998 9 9.0

R2 - Thistle Fleet

July 10, 2021

Start: T, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 BSC Van Rogers Yellow snow 1801 1 1.0
2   Daniel Postell Team Right on! 3674 2 2.0
3   Reid Collins Anna 3579 3 3.0
4   David Reddaway Blew Print 3975 4 4.0
5 FWYC George Hambleton Whataboat 3331 5 5.0
6 BSC Loy Vaughan   4007 6 6.0
7 FYC Michael Reddaway Skid mark 57 7 7.0
8   Conner Killham   998 8 8.0
9   Tommy Glenn Conundrum 3892 9 9.0

R3 - Thistle Fleet

July 11, 2021

Start: T, Finishes: Place
Rank Club HelmName Boat SailNo Place Points
1 FYC Michael Reddaway Skid mark 57 1 1.0
2 BSC Van Rogers Yellow snow 1801 2 2.0
3 BSC Loy Vaughan   4007 3 3.0
4 FWYC George Hambleton Whataboat 3331 4 4.0
5   Reid Collins Anna 3579 5 5.0
6   Daniel Postell Team Right on! 3674 6 6.0
7   David Reddaway Blew Print 3975 DNC 10.0
7   Conner Killham   998 DNC 10.0
7   Tommy Glenn Conundrum 3892 DNC 10.0

Scoring codes used

CodeDescription Points
DNCDid not come to the starting area 10

Scorer: Lou Richard (FWYC)

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.29.0